You have the questionnaire for your research project and you need help with data collection?

We can help you from translation to final data tabulation.


You want to ask relevant questions in the right way in local languages, and we have in-house native translators covering all Asian markets where we have proprietary panels.


The survey will be customized to diverse needs with iQuick - our in-house programming tool for easy surveys, and Comfirmit for more complex tasks.

Data collection

Collect your data with our proprietary panels across Asia-Pacific markets. Your projects will be managed by dedicated project managers

Data Processing

The industry-standard quality control measures start from the phase of data collection, but here the data will be further checked and analyzed to ensure the best quality.


Your data can be visualized with our tabulation tool, making it easier for your understanding and further reporting.

Looking for our Sample Only service? We have the best online panels in Asia in terms of geographical coverage and panel size. All our panel managers are native speakers to ensure the most efficient communication and the best quality of the panelists.

With our panels, you can expect detailed profiling that is constantly renewed. We deliver hard-to-get audiences on a daily basis to our clients across the world.

Learn more about our global panels

Do you know that in 2015 there was already more than half of billion people in China using smartphone, and the smartphone penetration in Tier 1 cities’ urban areas is as high as 95%?

Mobile devices have fundamentally changed consumer behavior across the world in the past few years. The need to keep up with the trend is obvious. As purchase decisions are constantly evolving, so is the way marketers seek to engage consumers.

Our mobile panel is based on the profiling of our PC panel. For mobile-friendly surveys, our system can convert what is usually a survey link invitation into QR codes. For a higher budget, pushing the mobile device traffic through SMS is also possible.

Geographical coverage will remain the same for both our PC panel and mobile panel, which gives you access to most of the Asia-Pacific countries.

Learn more about our global panels

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